How Long is Therapy?
Depending on the problems presented, therapy may take anywhere from 18 to 30 visits over the course of 2 years.
The initial myofunctional therapy evaluation is extensive, starting with an in-depth look at habits, postures and swallowing. Seemingly innocent factors can cause one to mouth breathe and keep their tongue in a low position. Experiencing frequent nosebleeds, colds, or wearing ill-fitting glasses that slip down your nose can also “teach” you to breathe through your mouth rather than your nose.
This initial evaluation is very important in order to devise an effective treatment protocol. There are hundreds of exercises, and each individual is unique. It’s a grave mistake to think that you can just do a few basic exercises from a book for a few weeks and be done. In order to really re-pattern all the muscles involved, you need to do it over time, to reprogram your muscle memory.