Myofunctional Therapy Education
Pat is a Nebraska approved provider of continuing education for Orofacial Myology. She offers lectures at dental and medical schools as well as professional meeting environments. Pat has practiced Orofacial Myology since 2008 in Central and Eastern Nebraska and and has been a practicing dental hygienist for 35 years. Through Pat’s experiences she has gained knowledge and want to pass on her experience and knowledge to others for providing treatment of Myolgy disorders.
Speaking and Lecutres
-All Tied Up
-What’s Air got to do with it – Airway and Dentistry
-Oral Care and Parkinson’s
-Orofacial Myology
-Your Face is Gonna’ Freeze That Way
-Oral care and Diabetes
-SPOTS – medical problems affecting oral and facial development
-Infant and early mouth development affecting airway
-Enhancing your dental career
-TMJ pain management
-What’s involved in a myofunctional exam?
To schedule a lecture for your group or organization contact Pat. Scheduling based on time availability.